How To Become Financially Free With Eric Suen and Carlos Saavedra

On this podcast, we have Eric Suen and Carlos discussing their plans and drivers to become financially free. They both help debunk some myths and misconceptions in the status quo and in the current social narrative society tells us today

Eric is 25 and has already built 3 streams of income. He has a day job in sales, income from his first real estate investment and selling tea from his annual tea sourcing expeditions to the rural parts of China.

Eric is a good friend of mine. We actually started our first real business together setting up aquariums in people’s homes and offices.

Carlos is a portfolio and asset manager at Deutche bank helping manage real estate projects over $300MM and is a home owner under 30yo in san francisco.

If there’s one takeaway from this podcast, it is that it’s possible to be financially free well before the age of 65 (retirement) and that you and I can take the first step toward financial freedom. Both Eric and Carlos give us insight into the way they think about personal finance. 

Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts.

Selected Links From The Episode

Your Pencil Ceramics –

Yun Wei Tea (Eric’s tea business) –

Bigger Pockets Podcast –

Rental Property investing – Link

Set for Life – Link

Show Notes

10:00 Eric talks about his investment strategy and his first real estate deal

12:40 Eric highlights his massive tax savings from owning his first investment property

15:40 How to have enough properties to be financially free

19:30 500-600 year old tea trea from BaiYing Mountain. Eric talks about his tea hobby and going to china every year

22:10 8 year plan to be financially free

24:45 Carlos discusses why wealthy people invest in real estate 

28:40 How long it takes to double your money + Eric’s rental property returns

31:45 Common mistakes of general public

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